Sunday, April 18, 2010

What Were They Thinking?

Really, don't you wonder what the women were thinking? I'm talking about the one in Argentina and the one on the bus. Power is thought to be an aphrodisiac. So far so good. But then Governor Sanford made plans to see his sweetie in Argentina by telling his wife; his children; his staff; and anybody else w'ho would listen that he was going to hike theAppalachian Trail by himself over the Thanksgiving holidays. Do you see the flaw in this schedule? That's right-there are no televisions on the trail, making it impossible for him to see the college football games over the weekend. His later description of his lady friend as his "soul mate" is certainly not well thought out, but thinking no one would question his voluntary absence from the traditional T.V. rivalry games is sheer idiocy.
The conduct of Senator Edwards is as sketchy. I am reasonably sure he has second thoughts about filming his pre-natal exam of his baby-mama. Don't even ask about giving the tape to the first baby-daddy, Andy Young. What really casts a shadow over his conduct is his promise to have U2 play their wedding reception. Forgetting the inconvenience of having a live,lawful wife when this promise was made, there is a larger issue. The Senator would most likely to be dependent on the influence of Senator Helms, then senile and now deceased, to book the band. See the problem?
Really, don't you wonder with what were those women thinking?

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