Sunday, June 6, 2010

Drill Baby, Drill

With the BP well hemorrhaging oil off the coast of Louisiana, I am not surprised at the nervous nellies who would use this as an argument against off-shore drilling. As near as I can tell,"off-shore" simply means you just don't start out with the oil on-shore. In fact, the BP failure should be treated as an encouraging event, calling attention to the rarity of such disasters. The Valdez mishap was really more like a traffic accident. So wouldn't you think that it would be a pretty good while before another blow-out? Depending on your age and physical condition it might not be a problem at all. Plus, I'll bet the oil companies will be REALLY careful now. BP has acknwledged that after paying full reparations it might be necessary to reduce its dividend payment. That should be deterrent enough. Having talked with property owners from thw Wrightsville Beach-Figure 8 Island area of NC and the Hilton head area of SC prior to the Louisiana event,I think I am safe in saying that an overwhelming majority would welcome drilling right off their shore. At least that's the way I took it from their enthusiastic support of Gov. Palin, who it was explained to me was not talking about family members when she promoted the mantra to "Drill Baby, Drill"